2022 Dynasty Rookie Draft Rankings version 6.0 (top 350 with IDP)

Commentary added: Malcolm Rodriguez, Pierre Strong, Daniel Bellinger, Andrew Mevis

Commentary update to existing: none (check the dates for latest updated commentaries)

New to the top 350: John Ridgeway, Jaylen Watson, Esezi Otomewo, Tim Wilson, Tyree Johnson, Teagan Quitoriano

Most on the move (up or down): Velus Jones, Christian Watson, Jaquan Brisker, Russ Yeast, Arnold Ebikete, Nakobe Dean, Ty Chandler, Keontay Ingram, M.J. Emerson, Tycen Anderson, J.J. Russell, Marquese Bell among others

‍‍Go to the DRD rankings to see all the reports/rankings.